En iyi Tarafı C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

En iyi Tarafı C# IEnumerable Kullanımı

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[Edit] - Needless to say - it's not "either this or that". often it would make good sense to use both a list and an IEnumerable in the same class. No computer in the world could list all prime numbers, because by definition this would require an infinite amount of memory. But you could easily think of a class PrimeContainer which contains an IEnumerable primes, which for obvious reasons also contains a SortedList _primes.

In case of IEnumerable, only lines up to the element of interest will be read from the file. In case of ToList call over the enumerable, the entire file would be read before even starting the search.

IEnumerable interface’i yardımıyla bir sınıf itere edilebilir özellik kazanmaktadır. Evet bir klasın itere edilebilirlik özellik kazanması neydi?

Kompozit fonksiyonlarının özelleştirilmesi ve muta kuruluşlarında başarımı artırmak kucakin GetHashCode yöntemi kullanılır.

I have writen about custom IEnumerator. Whats the simplest way to make IEnumerable from it ? Mefkûre solution (one line of code) would be if there was some class for that purpose. Or do I have to create my own ?

I noticed that if I C# IStructuralComparable nerelerde kullanılıyor use "Distinct", the "inner" contains 6 items (this is incorrect as only 2 are Distinct), but the "outer" does contain the correct values. Again, probably the delegated methods determine this but this is a bit more than I know about IEnumerable.

So if I am going through all the items on ebay, one at a time would be something even a small computer hayat handle, but ".ToList()" would surely C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı run me out of memory, no matter how big my computer was. No computer birey by itself contain and handle such a huge amount of data.

Kısaca C# IStructuralComparable nerelerde kullanılıyor uzun sözün kısası IEnumerable interface’in implement edilmiş olduğu bir class üzerine GetEnumerator metodu uygulattırılır. Haliyle mafevkda yapmış C# IStructuralComparable nedir olduğumız kabil müntesip metodu manuel olarak yazmaktan ve olası imla hatalarından bizleri kurtarmaktadır.

Usually you don't use IEunumerable C# IStructuralComparable Kullanımı directly. It is the base class for a number of other collections that you are more likely to use. IEnumerable, for example, provides the ability to loop through a collection with foreach.

Bu soruya yalnızca kayıtlı kullanıcılar karşılık yazabilirler. Karşılık cızıktırmak karınin lütfen giriş örgünız.

Any idea why the Enumerable is "split" into "inner" and "outer"? This happens when I inspect the element in debug/break mode via mouse. Is this perhaps Visual Studio's contribution? Enumerating on the spot and indicating input and output of the Enum?

But if your class cannot act like a collection then provide a public IEnumerable property for its elements:

user541686user541686 208k132132 gold badges547547 silver badges911911 bronze badges 3 i also used this and was loooong happy.

In addition to all the answers posted above, here is my two cents. There are many other types other than List that implements IEnumerable such ICollection, ArrayList etc.

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